The Wise Woman Way is the oldest healing tradition on Earth. Orally transmitted from one woman to another, it is a tradition of respect for Mother Earth and all of her creatures, a path that recognises that plants are not tools, but teachers who are willing to take us on a magical journey if we commit to knowing and honouring them deeply. It is a path that teaches us that compassion, simple rituals and common plants can nourish and heal us on every level.

As Moon Mothers, we have been privileged to share the gifts of compassion, ritual and healing with thousands of our sisters worldwide. As such, our moon-centric sisterhood already has the necessary gifts to bring deep healing to Mother Earth at a time when she needs it most.

Accompanied by Irish goddesses, in this 2 hour workshop facilitated by Moon Mothers Claire McGrath and Mayella Almazan, we will learn simple, yet effective techniques, to nourish ourselves and the earth, sowing magic that will endure long after the International Gathering has ended.

This workshop is a private event open only to Moon Mothers attending the 2019 Moon Mother Gathering in Ireland. 

Numbers are limited.  Please book your space by filling out the form below

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 6th July at 8pm

The Fumbally Stables
Fumbally Lane
Dublin 8

Click here for Google Map location
