Our breasts are powerful symbols of femininity, sex, mothering and nurturing. Our nipples are banned in media. This is for the women who lovingly disobey.

For some they are highly sensitive to touch, for others they are numb. Either way, with attention, they hold a key to relaxed turn-on and luscious pleasure that links directly to the cervix.


Your breasts offer a powerful gateway into cervical pleasure. In this journey we open pleasure within the breasts to awaken the cervix. This is a luscious and sensual journey that provides a self-loving entry into the work.



The beautiful thing about activating your breasts is your turn on and sensuality is available to you any time of the day just by bringing your focus there. The practices themselves don’t require you to bring all of yourself. Meaning intimacy becomes easy; if you don’t feel like opening deeply and vulnerably you can still feel sexually alive.

Once you’re sexually alive, opening more deeply becomes less of a barrier.

Access the nourishing pleasure of your breasts. (Get yourself banned on social media.)


Breast massage is also important for overall breast health

Stimulate your lymphatic system and flush toxins

Early detection of breast cancer

Less breast pain while feeding and increase the quality of milk

Balance your hormones and access oxytocin to feel good

With 20 minutes a day over 14 days you will start to feel…

More pleasure and re-awakened libido

Emotionally calm as you balance your hormones

 The orgasmic nature of your breasts

Feminine, gorgeous and worthy of the best kind of attention

Proud of who you are, queenly and powerful. Nurturing, soft and loving

A fullness to your breasts

Video transmission

Practice along with Olivia – there is no nudity however you can get a sense of pace and stroke by watching. We’ve found this is an effective method of transmitting the intention.

More self love

Not only is the process itself a radical act of self love but we also work at un-guarding the heart so love flows more easily and the pathway between cervix and heart is clear.

Thriving community

You’ll feel safe and supported within our Self:Cervix group. Surround yourself by wise women and ask them anything (or be one yourself).

Lifetime access

You also have ongoing access so you can return to the work – because almost everyone who does this work revisits it again and again for a love top up.

Each session has a specific focus and intention

This journey is all heart

If you’re not going to worship yourself then who will?

Your breasts are made to be revered and touched with the kind of devotion that would make angels sing. They are placed right above the heart and this is where we spend this journey. Being with ourselves in the most loving way.

When we awaken our breasts we influence our body chemistry and activate the pathway between the cervix and the heart. It’s like clearing a super highway for orgasm as we invite more oxytocin to flow.

So many women experience a lack of connection to their breasts resulting in numbness and limited sensual pleasure.

But your breasts are a key to awakening pleasure and self love and cervical orgasm.

Day 1: A Traditional Approach

Day 2: Returning to Innocent Touch

Day 3: Self Love

Day 4: Playing with Breath

Day 5: Switching between Breasts and Hands

Day 6: Pleasure and the Erotic

Day 7: Confidence and Power

Day 8: As Above so Below

Day 9: Free the Voice

Day 10: Giving and Receiving Love

Day 11: Balancing Left and Right

Day 12: Archetypes

Day 13: Heart/Cervix Connection

Day 14: Without Touch

Did you know that breasts are orgasmic?

Yes, hoorah, yet another way women can experience exquisite pleasure. Fun hey? And yet, this feels like a far away dream for many. The range of sensation ranges from off the charts orgasmic to numb and painful nipples. So why do women have numb breasts or over-sensitive nipples?

Well, there’s general disassociation – you just don’t go there. Or there’s shame and worry about size or shape because there are so many unrealistic models in the media to compare to … this prevents really enjoying them. Or wearing tight bras that cut off flow; breast-feeding and the de-sexualisation of breasts as we step into motherhood; fetishisation of breasts which causes fears of inadequacy … the list goes on.

Your cervix loves nipple stimulation

Science proves that nipple stimulation increases sexual pleasure.

The areas in the brain that light up during genital stimulation also receive input during nipple stimulation. One of those areas is the cervix. So to increase pleasure at the cervix, add a little breast and nipple.

We’ll guide you through the process.

Here you can see a brain scan illustrating the areas in the brain that light-up with nipple stimulation. So nipple stimulation is directly related to turning on the clitoris, cervix and vagina.

What we learn through this work

It’s not what your breasts look like or mean to others. It’s about how we feel from the inside out. We can’t change how they look unless we go for surgery, but we can transform what they mean to us AND how they feel.

If you have numb or less than fun breasts, you can change your sensual response with time and attention. If you already have pleasurable breasts, this programme will light you up like no other.

Everyone desires effortless pleasure and a connection to sensuality that is easily turned on. A key way into arousal and cervical bliss is activating the breasts.

This is for you if…

Wanting to re-ignite or heighten your libido – because this is your life to live, love and feel as much as possible and there are very few bodily sensations better than turn-on.

Yearning for a connection to your sensual breasts after feeding and you’re ready to reclaim them as sexual and sensual.

Seeking a sensual and non-invasive way into your sexual pleasure because sometimes going straight for the nether regions is just NOT what you want – instead you’d rather approach slowly and gently.

Searching for easy practices to love and honour your body. There is no better place to begin than with your beautiful breasts.

Develop a sensual connection to your breasts that you can tap into anywhere, anytime. Even at the office – and no one will know.

Time works for you…

If you’re looking at this work, we going to assume you’re a pretty savvy woman who’s got a lot going on. The last thing you need is another thing on your to-do list. We get it, we really do. We do NOT want you to feel pressure so we’ve organised it so you can do it when and as you can.

This is not about fixing…
You do not have to feel broken to do this work. This is for every woman who is on a personal growth path. I have not met one woman who doesn’t have something they’re ready to transform or release. The practices we offer are essential self- care practices and our method is something we recommend you use for life.

Come along for the ride if…

You’re ready to clear blocks and open space inside so that energy and pleasure can flow even more freely.

You’re in a relationship or single. The best thing is ALL this information is transferable to relationship. So once you’ve learnt the methods in this programme you can share them with your partner and do it together.

No matter what stage of life you’re in – we have women of all ages doing this work – from early 20s all the way through to post menopause.

You are passionate about women’s empowerment and want to be part of this growing movement.

You’re on a personal growth path. You’re ready to take yourself on, dive deep and let go.

Run for the hills if…

As much as we believe in this work for everyone, not everyone is suited to online work. Some of us are stuck and need in person assistance. Rather than misleading you, it’s best to move on if:

You don’t really want to love yourself. If you change your mind we’re here.

You are stuck in a victim mentality. We believe women are powerful and we can use our past to become stronger and more determined to rise and so our language encourages this.

You have no interest in personal growth or transformation.

You are no good with computers or you do not have good internet.